

How CBD Helps Slow the Aging Process

How CBD Helps Slow the Aging Process

how CBD helps slow the aging process

Aging is a natural part of life, but it’s no doubt that a majority of us want to hold onto our youth. 

Many of our biological processes start to slow down in our 30s. Changes like our hormones decreasing, a loss in muscle volume and skin elasticity, and our body’s ability to repair itself all contribute to the internal and external changes we see as we grow older. 

These changes happen to every living organism on Earth, but unlike our brethren in the animal kingdom, humans are acutely aware of the aging process – some may even argue a little obsessed. 

Over the past few decades, thousands of researchers across the globe have dedicated their lives to studying how we can slow the clock and maintain our longevity. And while there is no way of escaping the aging process, we’ve discovered some incredible tools and habits that can make the journey into old age as easy and graceful as possible. 

CBD & Anti-Aging 

To understand the aging process, we must look at the system responsible for it. 

Now when you think of the mysteries of the universe, what do you imagine? For many, they envision the vast and ever-expanding galaxy or perhaps the deepest depths of our oceans. But what’s really more perplexing to researchers is a little closer to home: the endocannabinoid system. 

Described by Harvard researchers as “essential and mysterious,” the ECS is a recent discovery in the scientific community, having only been discovered in 1988. And, the culprit for helping us find it: the 1964 discovery of THC and CBD. 

Shortly after organic chemist Raphael Mechoulam discovered the structure of THC, he began testing the compound by administering it to monkeys. Later, he gave it to healthy volunteers by feeding it with cake (infused recipes, anyone?).

Mechoulam found various psychological reactions in his volunteers, from laughing to openness to discussion and panic attacks. His findings eventually led to the exploration of the novel receptor system, the endocannabinoid system. 

We now understand that the ECS is a vast network of chemical signals and receptors packed throughout our brain and body. These receptors control the levels and activity of most of our neurotransmitters and regulate a number of things, including hunger, temperature, alertness, mood, and motor function. 

We also learned that these receptors are incredibly similar in structure to molecules present in the cannabis plant. In other words, humans have millions of tiny cannabis-like molecules floating in our brains and bodies. And when we ingest cannabis, it works its effects by hijacking this ancient biological machinery.

Reduced pain

More astonishing than the discovery of the ECS and cannabinoids itself is the fact that our ancestors seemed to have figured it out long before scientists could prove it. Cannabis as a medicine has been documented since 8000 BC. In fact, history shows us our ancestors, from the smallest villages in Taiwan to royalty like Emperor Shen Nung, have used cannabis for its various health wonders– one of the most prominent uses being for pain.  

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common complaints of people heading into old age, so it’s no surprise that our ancestors suffered from similar conditions. As we age, our muscle fibers become less dense, making them less flexible and more prone to injury. Gradually, the loss of the protective tissue at the ends of our bones causes pain and inflammation. 

But it’s not just seniors suffering from chronic pain! WebMD estimates that around 100 million Americans suffer some degree of chronic pain. To put that in perspective, that’s nearly 1 in 3 people in the United States.

Did our ancestors have it figured out that CBD can reduce pain? It turns out that yes, they were correct! Research shows that CBD works as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. Additionally, it can help reduce the anxiety that comes from living with chronic pain that people often experience, which we’ll cover more on that soon. 

Better Sleep

According to the CDC, about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems. And what is unfortunate about this is that sleep is more than just necessary not to feel tired. In fact, sleep is responsible for removing a ton of toxins in the brain. Meaning, when we aren’t getting enough quality sleep, these toxins build up and increase the risks of diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

Similar to how our kidneys remove waste from the system, our brain does a similar process during sleep. Everything from blood vessels to the immune system uses sleep as a time to rejuvenate. If this cleaning process isn’t done, our bodies are much more likely to experience the tolls of aging. 

The good news is that if you’re struggling with your sleep, CBD is clinically proven to help. Not only is it shown to improve the quantity of sleep but also the quality of it, which also has an impact on toxin flushing. It’s important to note that these are preliminary findings and more research needs to be done in order to fully understand the relationship between CBD and sleep. 

Reduced stress

Stress is one of the biggest culprits for accelerating the aging process. Studies have shown that hormones produced with chronic stress can age our brains and immune system. Additionally, those who are chronically stressed have a much higher risk for dementia and memory loss. Stress can also create a downward spiral with other health ailments like poor sleep and high blood pressure.

Suffice it to say, reducing stress is a key component of aging gracefully. CBD is a natural medicine that can help reduce stress or anxiety. Research has shown that repeated doses of CBD have a comparable effect as anxiety-reducing prescriptions, as well as increasing cell proliferation and neurogenesis. 

Improved skin

There is an endless supply of products that promise to reverse the hands of time, but few ingredients have been as extensively researched as CBD. That being said, no skincare can reverse aging. However, there are a handful of ingredients that prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

CBD plays an active role in slowing the aging process because it slows down the loss of collagen. This protein is found in all our connective tissue, skin, bone, and cartilage, and it’s also what’s responsible for giving our skin that youthful, bouncy appearance. As we age, our collagen production slows down, leading to the loss of facial fat and wrinkles. However, research shows that CBD fights free radicals in the body, which are responsible for collagen loss and cell degeneration.

When applied topically, CBD helps in a different way. Firstly, it helps in oil production, which prevents dry skin. When our skin is dehydrated, wrinkles are much more likely to show. Similarly, CBD has been found to help reduce skin inflammation, aiding the appearance of acne and scars. 

Can CBD help with anti-aging? 

So, is CBD a cure-all to all aging health ailments? Of course, not. No matter how well you take care of yourself or how many anti-aging treatments you undergo, there is no escaping the circle of life. Factors like genetics and diet can also play a part in how your body ages. What CBD can do, however, is help make the transition into old age easier, more enjoyable, and less stressful – and who doesn’t want that? 

Interested in trying CBD? Green Cannabis Co. offers a variety of CBD products from tinctures to gummies and more. Have any questions? Feel free to contact us here! You can also follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest Green news, products, and events.