CBD for Joint Pain: Tips for Getting Started

CBD for Joint Pain: Tips for Getting Started

CBD for Joint Pain Tips for Getting Started

It’s estimated that around 100 million Americans suffer some degree of chronic pain. Among that, nearly half are suffering from arthritis, a disease that affects the joints, causing pain and stiffness that can worsen with age. 

But it’s not just the elderly who are affected by this disease. Over half of those who suffer from arthritis are of working age, and for some, they are either unable to work or financial hardships require them to go through long working days filled with pain. 

These limitations can extend far beyond physical, too. People who experience chronic pain are 2 to 10 times more likely to experience anxiety and depression. This, in turn, can lower the pain threshold, creating a vicious cycle that takes a tremendous toll on the person. 

Fortunately, we live in a time where medical advancements are being made every day. And it’s through this research that we’ve found that CBD, an abundant cannabinoid present in the marijuana plant, can provide much-needed pain and stress relief. 

CBD for joint pain is becoming an increasingly popular remedy to treat chronic pain and the mental struggles that come with it. If you are suffering from this, know you are not alone. Green Cannabis Co. is here to help you understand the benefits of CBD for joint pain and give some tips on how you can start using it.

What is CBD?

The marijuana plant is made up of hundreds of cannabinoids, some of which we haven’t even discovered yet! These cannabinoids are naturally occurring within the plant and are responsible for giving it its effects. 

Even more incredible, these cannabinoids are extremely similar to the endocannabinoids in the human body, which control many of our day-to-day functions like mood and temperature regulation, hunger, etc. 

When we ingest the cannabinoids in marijuana, they act on our body’s natural endocannabinoids and create various effects from pain relief to feelings of euphoria. 

The two most common cannabinoids in cannabis are THC and CBD. While they are both present in the cannabis plant, they differ in some important ways. Understanding these differences – and the powerful ways in which they interact – can help you make more informed choices about the cannabis products you use. 

The key difference between CBD and THC is their psychoactive properties. To put it simply, THC will get you high, and CBD will not. We won’t get too deep into the science of why that is here, but if you are interested in learning more about THC vs. CBD, we cover that here.  

How CBD can help with joint pain

Though today’s science can prove CBD is a pain reliever, it’s been used for its claimed benefits for thousands of years prior. In fact, cannabis was one of the 365 medicines mentioned in the first-ever pharmacopeia. 

Throughout history, from the smallest villages to even royalty like Queen Victoria, who was alleged to use cannabis to treat period cramps, humans have used cannabis as a pain reliever.

We now know from research that CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. Forbes reports that, “A 2019 study found Sativex (a CBD and THC spray) to be an ‘effective and well-tolerated add-on treatment’ for patients with severe chronic pain stemming from various ailments.” 

Furthermore, the study identified three types of pain, nociceptive (affecting body tissue), neuropathic (affecting nerves), and mixed pain, and the treatment was effective against all types, but especially neuropathic pain.

Arthritis-specific studies have also been promising. For example, a small 2019 trial suggested that a combination of CBD and THC “may prove beneficial for people with fibromyalgia, a type of arthritis that results in whole-body pain and fatigue.” 

It’s important to note that more research needs to be conducted to better understand these benefits. 

Methods for ingesting CBD

Thanks to the legalization of recreational marijuana in many states, there are plenty of brands and products for consumers to choose from. CBD is offered in a variety of consumption methods, meaning you can find the right one tailored to your needs and lifestyle. Commonly used methods include: 


CBD can be infused into gummies, chocolates, drinks, and baked goods. The most important thing to remember when taking edibles is to “Start Low, Go Slow.” This means trying a low dosage first and allowing enough time for the effects to kick in. 

A common mistake for first-time edible users is not feeling anything after one hour and then taking a second dose. Two hours later, both doses start to kick in, and the person experiences unpleasant effects. Digesting cannabis, unlike smoking, takes longer for the effects to hit. While this produces longer-lasting, more vivid highs, it can also be much easier to overconsume. We cover how to dosage your edibles correctly in our Edible Dosing Guide


Topical cannabis is any cannabis-based or cannabis-infused product that’s applied directly to the exterior of the body for medical benefits. Topical cannabis usually comes in the form of creams, oils, and balms, but sometimes the category is widened to include any cannabis-based product that’s not meant to be ingested or consumed in one way or another, such as cannabis bath bombs, beauty products, etc.


CBD can be inhaled through a vape pen that heats up the oil. One of the biggest arguments for vaping being healthier than smoking is that it’s smoother on the lungs. This is because vaporizers, unlike smoking, do not burn anything. Instead, they heat substances until they’re hot enough to create an aerosol but not hot enough that they combust. Because of this, the aerosol is cooler, providing a smoother effect on the lungs. 


The term tincture is often used interchangeably with cannabis oil to describe a cannabis product that is taken sublingually. These products can either be flavorless or flavored, and they’re dosed by putting a few drops under the tongue. Though cannabis oils can be made at home,  most consumers prefer the convenience and consistency of purchasing at a dispensary. 

It’s important to note that different consumption methods take effect in your body at varying rates, so be sure to research more about which method you choose to partake in. We have over a hundred articles on our blog that detail everything you need to know regarding CBD, ingestion methods, and more. 

Interested in trying CBD? Green Cannabis Co. offers a variety of CBD products from tinctures to gummies and more. Have any questions? Feel free to contact us here! You can also follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest Green news, products, and events.