

Get Involved: How to Be a Cannabis Advocate

Get Involved: How to Be a Cannabis Advocate

Cannabis Reform Groups in Las Vegas Nevada

The cannabis industry has made huge strides. It wasn’t too long ago when federal raids on marijuana growers and sentences for possession were at an all-time high. Today, Nevada natives can have fresh flower delivered to their doorsteps or choose from hundreds of menu items. Even veterinarians can now legally prescribe CBD for pets. 

The only reason cannabis is where it is today is because of the hard work of advocates, researchers, and reform organizations. Without decades of pressure on the government for policy change, the cannabis industry would not exist. From the flower power of the 60s to the global marijuana marches of today, activists’ continuous stream of dialogue has allowed the cannabis industry to flourish. But, the fight isn’t over. 

Today, more than two in three Americans (68%) support legalizing marijuana – a doubled increase from the 34% of people just 20 years prior. Despite a shift in sentiment over the years, cannabis remains a Schedule 1 drug. Even more so, an estimated 40,000 people are still incarcerated for drug offenses that would no longer be considered a crime today. 

Cannabis reform aims to support federal legalization, serve justice to those who have suffered from the war on drugs, as well as educate and fund research on the medicinal benefits of marijuana. 

If you’re looking to be a more conscious cannabis advocate, Green has got you covered. We’ll break down the various ways you can get involved locally or online.

Local Cannabis Reform Groups in Las Vegas

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in cannabis reform in Las Vegas. Though legalization is not a problem, reform groups still work to promote inclusivity, strengthen commerce, and help eliminate cannabis discrimination. One group to check out is the Chamber of Cannabis, a non-profit dedicated to unifying and uplifting the industry. Members can connect, share resources, and collaborate with like-minded professionals.

Even if you haven’t heard of them, you’ve likely heard of their achievements. The Chamber of Cannabis was a driving force behind AB341, a bill that legalized cannabis consumption lounges in Nevada. Along with granting safe spaces to consume, AB341 was also the first cannabis bill to define social equity and prioritize inclusion. The initiative explicitly prioritizes inclusion by requiring at least 10 of the first 20 independent lounge licenses to be issued to social equity applicants. It’s intended to dismantle a barrier to entry in the cannabis industry that excludes everyone except the highly affluent.

Another big win for the group was helping pass AB400. This bill, which went into effect on July 1, “removes specific ‘per se’ limits for cannabis metabolites that if found in a person’s blood would trigger a DUI.” The exception is in cases where the DUI is punishable as a felony, including accidents that cause death or serious bodily harm. Nevada’s previous policy unfairly targeted high-tolerance users or medical patients who use THC consistently but do not drive while under the influence.

The Chamber of Cannabis encourages those interested to attend their meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month.  You can also stay up to date with the Chamber of Cannabis by signing up for their newsletter or following them on Instagram

Cannabis Reform Organizations in Nevada

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has a Nevada affiliate chapter that is very active. The national organization has been operating since the 1970s and has been at the forefront of many legalization initiatives. One example was their efforts towards moving marijuana law enforcement to the bottom of the list of priorities for local police in 2006. 

On a statewide level, the Nevada NORML chapter aims for criminal justice reform, ending workplace discrimination, and removal of marijuana as a condition that allows CPS Family Courts to remove children from the home of responsible adult users. Those interested in joining can learn more about the group on their website. 

Get Involved Online

Thanks to the internet, there are dozens of ways to get involved from home. Groups like The Last Prisoner Project and the Marijuana Policy Project make it easy to take action with online petitions, frequent newsletters, and easy access to contact information for government officials. 

The Last Prisoner Project is a group dedicated to three key areas of criminal justice reform: prisoner release, record cleaning, and reentry programs. While some people in the cannabis industry can build generational wealth, others sit in prison cells for doing the same activity. The Last Prisoner Project has helped thousands of incarcerated people through the dedication of their volunteers, partners, and followers. Those interested in learning more can visit the Last Prisoner Project website.

As the name suggests, the Marijuana Policy Project aims to end prohibition and fight for justice through cannabis policy reform. Currently, the MPP is leading the effort for federal medical marijuana legalization. On a state level, they’ve helped pass recreational marijuana in 8 states, and they monitor all cannabis-related bills across the country.

Have any additional questions? We’re happy to help. Simply contact us online.